You can also use Audacity to generate tones and then combine them.
The GENERATE TONE facility can be used to make tones and the QUICK MIX to combine them.
I believe that there are some materails as part of the 21C science course that use this idea for AM and FM
How to show beats on Audacity
- Generate --> Tone (440Hz, I suggest 5s is enough)
- Project --> New Audio Track
- Generate --> Tone (441Hz, I suggest 5s is enough)
- Play each on in turn - they are virtually indistinguisable
- You can zoom in (see image below) to show the difference
- Play them together, the beats jump out and slap you on the face.
Combine them to a single trace and see the beats
- Click CONTROL+A to select both tracks
- The waveforms combineand the beats are visually obvious
The two tracks - can you spot the difference?
Well, ok you can if you really zoom in
The post 'Quick Mix' - Beats are obvious
Thanks to Andy Pugh
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